viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

How I understood the meaning of learn English thanks to an orange juice.

    I was fortunate to study in a English school because my parents always wanted me to study in a place where I could learn another language. Certainly, I took advantage of my days in that school, knowing that being there was an opportunity that they didn't have when they were children. So, since I was a child I had the chance to have English classes three times a week. In Playgroup, Pre-Kinder and Kinder my teachers taught me this language with games and many songs (the one I remember is "Humpty Dumpty"), so the English class were very funny for me and my classmates. Then, in primary school the learning process was another, of course without games, but reading many books with very interesting stories which we had to lead to a dramatic representation. At that point of my life learn English for me it was just a subject that I should pass. But in high school they divided the grade into two levels according to our knowledge of the language. I was in the first one but with the time I was in the higher level, where I realized how important was to know properly a language and the advantages that could bring to me.
      Like many others I felt the need to travel to improve my speaking…but that wouldn’t happen till the day I won an all-inclusive travel to Las Vegas. I will always remember that day like one of the most important of my life, because besides to traveling without expenses I could be accompanied by my parents. They didn’t know how to speak correctly the language so I was the only responsable to interact with other people there. At first I was scared because I’ve never spoken English with others in real situations till that moment!

    As an anecdote I can tell you about the moment when (at the airport in Santiago) we get on the plane to begin the journey and to my surprise all stewardess spoke English, and just English! God, I was soooo nervous, that when one of them asked me what I wanted to drink I forgot how to speak, I mean, I FORGOT HOW TO SAY "ORANGE JUICE" IN ENGLISH! And then, as it the pressure of that moment wasn't enough, my mom asked me from the back seat how it is pronounced "sugar"...and yes, also I had forgotten that...maybe she only wanted 2 teaspoons in her tea, but instead, I wanted to throw me off the plane for couldn't say anything. Finally, and how I had forgotten how to say "juice", I had to settle for a Coke :(. Fortunately I calmed down and all that I knew of English came back to my mind...thereafter I realized that my experience in the school could help me to communicate without major problems, as long as I wasn't nervous.
    If I think about it, I consider myself a very lucky person by the fact of know this language, and of course, I felt so thankful to my parents because if it wasn’t by them I wouldn’t telling you this story. I think that the fact of inviting them to United States was a way to thank them for everything they have done for me. Because of this trip I could understand the meaning for me to learn English like a process, that not only helps you improve your relationships with people, but also it helps to develop a better self-confidence at the moment to face new challenges.

4 comentarios:

  1. It has happened a couple of times strangers approach me and ask directions, at that time forgot basic words as "street" or directions.

  2. I still envy you for your all-inclusive travel to Las Vegas. How lucky you are!!!

  3. That juice story was quite funny. I think you have a special connection with english because of your travels and your tastes, that's nice.

  4. I want to travel to Las Vegas like you, I want to learn inglish there and go to party!!
