I remember that my first protest march was in my senior year
as they wouldn’t let us go while we had classes, so the only possibility of
being in a manifestation it was playing hooky. So, when I arrived in Santiago,
march through the Alameda was exciting because I had never been in such
mass manifestations. Unfortunately and perhaps because my school is private, we
never urged to talk about the problem of education, so when I entered to the University
I tried to attend all the activities that I could.
From my point of view this
kind of protest it works, because if it weren’t for that we wouldn’t be talking
or discussing issues such as the struggle for a free and a quality education. But, I also believe in the spaces that are created in many
communities to generate dialogue and debate, whenever there is participation
and enthusiasm. Unfortunately I don’t believe too much in the strikes that are
made in our faculty since participation is minimal and many take this instance
as a little vacations, something that clearly diverts the goals that the
movement wants to generate.
As many, I believe that the quality of education provided also
comes from each classroom and teacher, and how committed they are when they
teach. I mean, those who have real vocation are part of the people who can help
to solve this problem.
Finally, I don’t visualize me teaching something, but if it came the
time to do that, I would worry to share my knowledge in the best way with
everyone. Even so, I will continue participating while I can in manifestations,
protest marches and activities.