viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

English Language Challenges :)

    The truth is that I never had a blog, so write one and especially in English has been a whole new way to practice this language and because of this, I have developed a little more my writing.

    Many people think English classes as just another subject, but after a few classes you realize that it is really necessary. For example, I don’t have many instances to practice my speaking, so the classes are my opportunity to letting go a little. The speaking and my pronunciation of the language are the things that I think I need to improve the most, so I must say that I would have liked more instances of conversation in the class about topics that interest us all.

    Classes are fine, but I think the best way to learn a new language is applying it to your daily life and that's why outside the class I also trying to practice English. How? Well, watching movies without subtitles, singing songs in English, reading news sites, watching foreign TV channels, among others. Since childhood I have felt motivated to study and improve my English because I know that knowledge can bring great benefits, one of them, make things easier when you’re traveling to another country.

    I understand the importance of reaching an adequate level of language because in a few years I will go to United Kingdom or maybe the United States to take a postgraduate study, so I must be prepared.

viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

PET Practice




"What would I change in my career?"

If you ask me how I see the Film and TV career in ICEI, I can tell you that I see it with many failures. First, there are some subjects that we shouldn’t  have, because they just have a journalistic approach that doesn’t help us in any way. Besides that, I think the curriculum of the career is disordered with subjects that we should have seen it before and it found almost in third or fourth year.

On the other hand the infrastructure is strange, there are rooms with not enough chairs and bad computers with expired editing programs, which is essential for us. Also there is the problem of equipment. Several times has happened to me and to my colleagues that when they provide us with audiovisual equipment (such as cameras, lights and microphones) the tools come in poor conditions, and at the time of claim they blame us for the malfunction.

I also remember that sometimes we didn’t go on in some lessons because there wasn’t coordination between a subject and other, subjects that were supposed be together but they weren’t because the teachers apparently didn’t accord the schedule of their classes…

The most impressive is that all things remain the same, even when there have been meetings or petitions to change this situation I feel that we haven’t made ​​much progress. What changes would I make in ICEI? Many, some of them would be starting with better communication between managers career, teachers and students, the establishment of better and modern equipment for students, and generate a real concern for the status of these tools.

Honestly, if I could turn back time I wouldn’t have enrolled in this university, and these problems are something that I warn anyone who is interested in studying here.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

"Winter holidays are coming..."

Even though I love to travel, I think all I want to do in my spare time -this winter holiday- is back to my house in Valdivia, escape from Santiago and have a good time with my family and friends. Initially my plan was to go skiing a few days to Villarica volcano but I still don’t have enough money and either my friends, so we abort mission.

However, everyone knows that "vacation" it’s synonymous with rest, but I think that with so much free time you can also take advantage of work or develop certain pending projects, like I plan to do now with an old friend who also is studying film. In this season I’ve also considered working in a farm caring for a friend's horses, something that wouldn’t be bad because I need the money. Besides, who doesn’t like to have a few quiet camping days away from the city and more over get paid for that?

But honestly, I don’t deny the wonderful chance to stay at home doing nothing, watching tv shows and movies while I’m eating something delicious. Also, in this time you can’t get out very much because the weather, so what better excuse to stay home.

Yes, I love to travel, go out and meet other places, so I hope that this desire of doing nothing are not due to age, because I'm not old enough to don't want to travel.

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2016

"The strike"

I remember that my first protest march was in my senior year as they wouldn’t let us go while we had classes, so the only possibility of being in a manifestation it was playing hooky. So, when I arrived in Santiago, march through the Alameda was exciting because I had never been in such mass manifestations. Unfortunately and perhaps because my school is private, we never urged to talk about the problem of education, so when I entered to the University I tried to attend all the activities that I could. 

From my point of view this kind of protest it works, because if it weren’t for that we wouldn’t be talking or discussing issues such as the struggle for a free and a quality education. But, I also believe in the spaces that are created in many communities to generate dialogue and debate, whenever there is participation and enthusiasm. Unfortunately I don’t believe too much in the strikes that are made in our faculty since participation is minimal and many take this instance as a little vacations, something that clearly diverts the goals that the movement wants to generate.

As many, I believe that the quality of education provided also comes from each classroom and teacher, and how committed they are when they teach. I mean, those who have real vocation are part of the people who can help to solve this problem.

Finally, I don’t visualize me teaching something, but if it came the time to do that, I would worry to share my knowledge in the best way with everyone. Even so, I will continue participating while I can in manifestations, protest marches and activities.